Board and Train - Two Weeks (20% Off)
Overnight stays focusing on training, house manners and socialization
Service Description
This service is only available to current clients. Large moneymaking training facilities will generally accept any dog, and charge an exuberant amount for a service that may be a complete waste. The things one teaches at a board and train will only be effective if the handlers at home are on the same page as the trainer. I only accept current clients because I want this service to be effective. The Board and Train service generally lasts anywhere from 3 to 21 days. The dog will have their own indoor private area, which can be as large or as small as the dog needs or prefers (for example: some dogs may need crate training, while some need to be in a pen at night, while others may be trusted to roam the training room). Their area will be visible to you on camera 24/7. I only accept one or two dogs at a time to keep the environment more like a home and less like a kennel or chaotic training facility. My personal dogs and the boarding dog will have heavily supervised opportunities to meet and play. Each day I work hands-on with the dog for 60 to 90 minutes, pending their focus and attention. I'll likely end up doing many 5 to 15 minute sessions throughout the day. We can focus on anything the dog needs: Beginning Puppy Skills, Obedience, Manners, Confidence, Reactivity, Socialization, or Certification and Licensing preparation.